Medical Chip-Ins

Mr. Chacho Nacho Needs Your Help! - Thank you!

Our Goal: $6,000

chip-in Post

UPDATE from Chacho's foster 3/20/2023: It has been a week since Chacho had his leg surgery. The first several days were a tad rough for the little guy. He was feeling discomfort and pain.  He went home with a bright yellow bandage, Tuesday, the day of the surgery. Friday his bandage was removed but he went home sporting the infamous “cone of shame”. Chacho must have at least 2 sessions a day of Range of Motion Therapy at home. He is a tad stubborn and tightens that leg as I try to move it! It was recommended to purchase a duck-bill-shaped muzzle for Chacho to wear during therapy! What a cutie!! Chacho is not walking on his repaired leg quite yet but when he stands around sometimes he lowers it a bit, so I help him stretch it out till it touches the ground.  Slow and steady wins the race! In a week his stitches should be coming out and he will begin Acupuncture, a super kind gesture from his veterinarian Teresa Treviño Sanders of Northwood Animal Hospital!

UPDATE 3/3/2023: Chacho went Thursday morning for X-rays under sedation. Once the surgeon sees these better X-rays, he will have a better idea of the surgical procedure and hopefully will get his procedure scheduled soon!

Chacho is a two-year-old chihuahua who came into our care with two injured back legs in addition to being heartworm positive. He received an examination and x-rays shortly and it was determined that both legs are fractured. The vet believes the injuries happened more than four months ago.  
His back right leg dangles from the knee and requires surgery after being evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon. Chacho’s back left leg is broken at the top of his leg and will also more than likely require surgery to repair if the fracture doesn’t heal on its own. Chacho is able to walk on his back left leg and even went down four steps on his own a couple of weeks ago.  
Chacho’s amazing foster, Daphna, said “Chacho is a super sweetheart! He loves to be with people and be held. He is my little shadow! He enjoys a good night's sleep with his 2-legged family! He leaves the cats alone and gets along with dogs of all sizes!” 
The cost of his two surgeries and heartworm treatment is estimated to be more than $6,000.  
Will you please help this sweet boy by making a gift for his upcoming surgeries and heartworm treatment and help him on his road to recovery?  
Chacho thanks you for your unwavering support and helping to provide him with the gift of health and life!


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